Editor's Note
are invited from graduate students and professionals who are involved
in scholarly research on some system of human movement, or some aspect
of its study in social and cultural contexts. We welcome contributions
from socio-cultural anthropology and related disciplines in the social
sciences and humanities, as well as interdisciplinary investigations.
Papers that provide theoretical and methodological insights are preferred
over those that rely on description alone. Reviews of publications of
interest to the field are welcome, as are critical comments on the essays
we publish. As a general rule, a paper should not exceed 6000 words (1500
for reviews and commentaries, although 'review essays' can be longer).
In all cases, writers are asked to conform to the conventions for notes
and references found in recent Volumes of the Journal. While the editors
maintain an overall copyright to protect material published by JASHM,
this is not exercised without an author's permission. Reprints are governed
by the original copyright. Also, our editorial policy allows for the expression
of a diverse range of opinion and argument which do not necessarily reflect
the views of the editors. Communications should be addressed to: The Editors
Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement [JASHM] Anthropology
Department, 109 Davenport Hall University of Illinois 607 South Mathews
Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 Attention: Brenda Farnell (email: bfarnell@illinois.edu)
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