Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement | Vol. 25 No. 1 | DRID WILLIAMS: Signifying Bodies, Signifying Acts: New Ways of Thinking about Human Movement: References Cited

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Signifying Bodies, Signifying Acts: New Ways of Thinking about Human Movement


References Cited

Ardener, Edwin
1989a. Behaviour: A Social Anthropological Criticism. In Edwin Ardener: The Voice of Prophecy (ed. M. Chapman). Oxford: Blackwell: 105-8. [First published in1973 in The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford [JASO] 4(3): 152-54].
1989b. Introduction to Social Anthropology and Language. In Edwin Ardener: The Voice of Prophecy (ed. M. Chapman). Oxford: Blackwell: 1-44.
1989c. Some Outstanding Problems in the Analysis of Events. In Edwin Ardener: The Voice of Prophecy (ed. M. Chapman). Oxford: Blackwell: 86-104. [First given as an ASA Conference Paper, the essay was published in 1978 by Eric Schwimmer in The Yearbook of Symbolic Anthropology. It was then reprinted in 1980 in Symbol as Sense (ed. M. Foster and S. Brandeis). New York: Academic Press.]

Bateson, Gregory
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Buckland, Theresa
1994. Traditional Dance: English Ceremonial and Social Forms. In Dance History: An Introduction (ed. J. Adshead-Lansdale and J. Layson). London and New York: Routledge: 45-58. [Reprinted in Anthropology and Human Movement 2: Searching for Origins (ed. D. Williams). Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press, 2000: 103-17.]

Crick, Malcolm
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Lomax, Alan
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Middleton, John
1997. The Dance among the Lugbara of Uganda. In Anthropology and Human Movement, 1: The Study of Dances (ed. D. Williams). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press: 123-48. [First printed in 1985 in Society and the Dance (ed. P. Spencer), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 165-82].

Myers, Edward
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Parkin, David (ed.)
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Puri, Rajika
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Schwimmer, Eric (ed.)
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Sharp, Evelyn
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Urciuoli, Bonnie
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1996. Meaning What? Visual Anthropology 8(2-4): 365-66.

Varela, Charles
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1996a. What Is Visual in the Visual Anthropology of Human Movement? Visual Anthropology 8(2-4): 155-70.
1996b. The Prost "Review." Visual Anthropology 8(2-4): 367-72.

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1980a. Taxonomies of the Body (Part I). JASHM 1(1): 1–19.
1980b. Taxonomies of the Body (Part II). JASHM 1(2): 98-122.
1994. The Latin High Mass: The Dominican Tridentine Rite. JASHM Monograph 1 [with Foreword by David Pocock]. JASHM 8(2): 1-87.

Winch, Peter
1990. The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. [First published in 1958.]



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